Is this COVID data manipulation, or pure coincidence?

Data Manipulation

Now that vaccines are rolling out, particularly in the US and UK, it’s absolutely essential that they are shown to work. We could depend on evidence that they work, although the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines may not work, and the AstraZenica vaccine clearly isn’t working, so this evidence may never appear.

The only way to be certain is for the data to show that they all work. I’m not saying that anyone is manipulating data — well to any greater extent than they already were — but a lot of data changes suddenly seemed to be happening at the same time:

  1. The WHO changed the definition of a case from a PCR test to TWO tests
  2. People dying with COVID no longer die of COVID
  3. Thousands of deaths that weren’t COVID deaths have been retrospectively re-designated as COVID deaths

Combined, these changes will likely

  • Lead to a sudden fall in new COVID cases
  • Reduce COVID mortality, especially those who die with COVID after being vaccinated
  • Lead to a massive increase in pre-vaccine COVID deaths to provide a much more significant contrast to the post-vaccine world

Here’s what happened

1. The WHO changed the definition of a case from a PCR test to TWO tests within an hour of Biden being sworn in as president

The WHO had absurdly loose guidelines for determining a COVID death, which meant pretty much anyone who had a fever or cold when they died were COVID deaths. But all of a sudden, they are getting tightened.

The WHO issued an information notice on 13 January instructing laboratories to follow updated WHO guidance on the use of PCR tests, warning that there’s a high probability of a false negative.

But it doesn’t seem to have been published until the moment Biden was inaugurated as president on 20 January.

Source: WHO

This “reminder” refers to the 11 September 2020 updated testing guidelines for SARS-CoV-2. And in case you asked, no, there was no announcement in September when this new version was published. Nor on October, nor in November. There was an announcement on December 14, however this has been deleted and replaced with the Inauguration Day Announcement.

Without going into detail, this means labs will reduce their PCR testing cycle threshold or require two tests to designate a patient with a positive test as a case. Life Site has an excellent article on this with links to sources and related commentary.

While we’re on the subject, let’s see what’s going on in the world of COVID since the memo:

You couldn’t make this up. For the first time since the “crisis” began, new cases are falling world wide. That’s official.

And there’s some great news form the US as well:

Source: Worldometers

Yes, America has turned the corner. Well done USA! Who cares. I mean the WHO cares. Really.

2. Reduce COVID mortality, especially those who die with COVID after being vaccinated

It isn’t news that the guideline stating that anyone dying with COVID is a COVID death — irrespective of the cause — is considered complete idiocy at best, and more often considered to be deliberate data manipulation.

For example, in Oregon, the definition is:

COVID-19-related death: A death is considered to be related to COVID-19 in any of the
following circumstances:
• death of a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case within 60 days of the earliest available
date among exposure to a confirmed case, onset of symptoms, or date of specimen
collection for the first positive test;
• death from any cause in a hospitalized person during admission or in the 60 days
following discharge AND a COVID-19-positive laboratory diagnostic test at any time
since 14 days prior to hospitalization; or
• death of someone with a COVID-19-specific ICD-10 code listed as a primary or
contributing cause of death on a death certificate, regardless of the dates of diagnosis
or death.

Oregon Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Interim Investigative Guidelines p24

Not that we could lend any credence to Oregon’s COVID statistics anyway, given that only 5,901 have officially recovered and 2,137 have died, meaning that nobody in Oregon has recovered from COVID since June 2020. I do sort of get it, given that doctors are supposed to report the deaths of anyone who has tested positive for COVID. What’s the point of recovering from COVID if you are going to die from it anyway, even in a murder suicide?

After two gunshot victims in a murder suicide in Colorado were added to the COVID death count, a county coroner has stepped up her campaign to correct this absurdity.

The difference now is she suddenly has a lot ore support and a more sympathetic ear from the governor.

Yes, this is just an example of what’s happening in the US.

On the other hand, the millions of people in the UK that have just been vaccinated now depend on the updated WHO guidance to become a positive COVID statistic.

The problem (in the US as well) is that a probable case is only determined “in the absence of a more likely diagnosis.” So anyone who just had a vaccination and is experiencing fever is likely just experiencing vaccine side effects. Naturally, these won’t be enough to cause death. Unless they do. In the unfortunate event of a death, it will likely (definitely?) be attributed to other pre-existing conditions.

3. Thousands of COVID deaths have been discovered

A few days ago, Ohio Department of Health suddenly discovered that 4,000 COVID deaths weren’t reported. Oops. So now they are busy updating them retrospectively.

Heck, it would have looked pretty bad if deaths had been increasing after the vaccine rollout. But no, the deaths that have been added have fixed this.


I can understand the problem: Ohio had an embarrassingly low case fatality rate of just 1.3%. This is dangerously not dangerous. With the added deaths, it brings it to 1.74%, which is in line with the national total of 1.76% (implying an infection mortality ratio of around 0.2%).

I wonder if we’ll see more lost COVID cases and deaths that were underreported. It seems likely. Even in Texas and Hawaii.

And in a reminder that money, vaccines, and bullshit are bipartisan, New York governor Andrew Cuomo is now under fire for underreporting nursing home deaths. He claims he didn’t, and that anyway, the deaths were still added to the New York total. Except the ones that weren’t.

Suspend case reporting

I haven’t seen this reported anywhere, but in Santa Clara, California, they have suspended case reporting for patients who test positive, have symptoms, but aren’t hospitalized. So even those people who are by ANY definition a case, aren’t being reported as cases unless they are hospitalized or sick.

Provider Responsibilities to Report COVID-19 Cases
Class of CasesWho Must Be ReportedHow to Report
Patients with a positive COVID-19 test received by ordering healthcare providerCurrently (as of 2/1/2021), due to COVID-19 surge, PHD is temporarily suspending case reporting requirements for patients who are living, are not hospitalized, and do not live or work in congregate residential settings.Providers must continue to report the following: (1) all deceased patients; (2) all hospitalized patients; and (3) all patients living or working in congregate residential settings (i.e. jails, shelters, long-term care facilities).Complete Case Report Form and submit by email or fax. See section below on how to submit a Case Report Form to PHD. 
Source: Santa Clara County Public Health

If this is an isolated instance, then it’s not significant. But if this is a part of a wider move to stop reporting COVID cases, then we may see a sudden reduction in new cases in the US in general, and in California in particular.

The good news is that the CDC has discovered that two mask are more effective than one mask in preventing particles from a simulated cough. That a bunch of academics took the time to conduct this ludicrous experiment is already laughable. It’s the equivalent of testing to see whether two jackets will keep you warmer than one. Or whether folding toilet paper into 2-3 layers improves your chances of not soiling your hand.

So if you think that double masks, mask mandates from Melbourne to Honolulu, new WHO guidelines, and vaccines that may or may not work, the world isn’t looking better, just have a look at the statistics. They NEVER lie.

Image result for fake chart shows COVID cases falling

Remember, we’re doing this for a reason.

Image result for Flattening the curve CDC


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