What the science says: Herd immunity can’t be achieved with these vaccines

Science based herd immunity

New South Wales Health Minister Hazzard (not a joke name) came out swinging against anti-vaxxers and others who think this virus isn’t dangerous.

Those who think this virus isn’t dangerous “clearly have no background in science or medicine.”

Brad Hazzard BA, LLM

So for the rest of us without degrees in law and arts, we should follow his advice and “dismiss the ideas that aren’t based on science or medicine.

Let’s get going then.

  • Social distancing. Check — no scientific basis. Dismissed.
  • Mask mandates. Check– no scientific basis. Dismissed.
  • Statewide lockdowns. Check– no scientific basis. Dismissed.
  • Giving everyone the Pfizer vaccine will achieve herd immunity. Check– no scientific basis. Dismissed.

Where does that leave us? Oh yeah, his main point:

There is only one solution here. And that is to get vaccinated.

This is the solution. The problem? A virus which is harmless to 95% of the population, and is fatal for about 0.01%. The vaccine will do nothing to stop this because it doesn’t prevent transmission. Yes, it does slow it down by about 55% according to the science.

So dismiss this idea of achieving herd immunity through vaccination and just ensure the vulnerable have access to both the vaccine and health care. Then the solution will be to do nothing. Incidentally, that’s the correct government approach to nearly every problem that doesn’t involve crime, monopoly, or pollution.