University of Wisconsin blames the victim — a rock

In case you haven’t heard, the University of Wisconsin decided to remove a rock because 95 years ago a journal referred to it once as a “niggerhead.”

Racist bloody rock.

Calling it the N-word is a pretty big hint that you want that rock out of there. It didn’t take the hint for some reason, so this 42 ton rock was removed from the campus.

I don’t know about you, but I think this is a great way to spend $50,000. How can you possibly imagine that students will study at a place that has a rock that was once referred to using the n-word which at the time meant large rock. The rock was transferred to another campus of the University where it can ponder and reflect on its historic racism. Fair enough. The rest of the world should learn from UW.

Let’s start with Australia.

A rock island in the Great Barrier Reef used to be called Nigger Head. However, the Department of Mines and Natural Resources officially unnamed it a few years ago and left it there. How shocking is that? They left a racist rock in the Great Barrier Reef? The single largest amazing thing in the world is tainted. No wonder UNESCO wanted to delist it. The least the government could have done would be to load it onto a ship and dump it into the Mariana trench. Racist bloody rock.

And there’s worse. Far worse. At a similar latitude in Queensland, Nigger Creek hasn’t yet been renamed nor destroyed. I call on the University of Wisconsin to send in some engineers to blow this racist creek up. It disgusts me.

New Zealand is no better: in Canterbury, Niggerhead, Nigger Hill, and Nigger Stream were all renamed — BUT NOT REMOVED — in 2016. What’s even worse is that these racist geographic formations have been given names in the local language. They should have simply been cancelled.

Back to the US, where there’s a ton more racism going on.

Utah’s Negro Bill Canyon has been renamed Grandstaff Canyon by the US Government Board on Geographic Names, overruling the local government. Fair enough. You can’t just listen to what the local authorities want. We all know how racist people in Utah are right? Especially the local chapter of the NAACP which wanted to keep the name Negro Bill Canyon. You can’t trust these NAACP racists to move forward. What do they know about the advancement of colored people? Heck they came up with the name in the first place, changing it from the previous Nigger Bill Canyon which, even to our un-woke ears, sounds rather racist.

But let’s not go on about names. The canyon should have been filled in with racist rocks, such as the racist boulder in Wisconsin.

And let’s not forget Lincoln. Did we mention that in addition to the rock, the statue of Lincoln was also removed. This we totally understand: this white male was called a nigger lover on countless occasions. Shocking. Glad they cancelled him.
