Dear Snowflakes, get your vaccines

Unvaxxed snowflake

Dear kids of the snowflake generation. Get your COVID-19 vaccines and stop asking stupid whiny questions about vaccine safety. Sure, some statistics suggest that getting a vaccine is considerably more dangerous than getting COVID-19 for anyone under 30. Who cares? Statistics can prove anything.

Here’s the important thing. If YOU get vaccinated, then you will be less likely to spread it and I will be less likely to die. This is my life we’re talking about, and millions more over 50s who have well over 0.1% chance of dying if we get COVID-19. You not getting vaccinated could cause someone importantish to die. Like me.

Think about it.

And before you suggest something stupid like, “my life is just as important as yours” consider who is running the country. Not you. Consider who has shares in Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J: not you. So get over yourself.

Us old folks run the country. We’re scared, so we shut the place down and closed schools for YOUR benefit. If we hadn’t, dozens of you might have died from COVID. Because the shutdown put your parents out of work, we borrowed billions of dollars. Trillions even. Just to help maintain your lifestyle while we closed down schools and prevented your parents from working. This is for your benefit. Think about it while you pay off this debt for the rest of your life.

At least you’ll have a life, irrespective of whether or not you get vaccinated.

Speaking of which, get vaccinated.

It’s easy. When I was your age we used to have to get an injection, or worse still, a needle. All you need are a couple of jabs.

So stop sniveling. Get the jab. It may not help you, but may help me and my life is demonstrably more important than yours.

Think about it.

Get your vaccine, snowflake.

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