A strange phenomenon is developing in the US state of Tennessee: The daily new cases is falling, but the daily COVID death rate hasn’t changed and the mortality rate has tripled.

The case mortality rate for the US has been steadily dropping. But not in Tennessee, where the case mortality rate was running at around 1.6% in September/October and has an overall case mortality rate of 1.45%, excluding open cases.
This is typical of the rest of the US. What’s NOT typical is that for the month of February, the case mortality rate suddenly TRIPLED to 4.89%, based on the 7 day moving averages of deaths per day and daily new cases.
I can’t imagine how this is happening. Especially as Tennessee leads the US in COVID-19 vaccinations.

One would have thought that with 244,539 completed 2-dose vaccinations in the state, mortality rates would be PLUMMETING not TRIPLING.
How can this be explained?
Update 18 February 2021
In the past week, Tennessee mortality rates have fallen steeply, as have infections. Month to date, there have been 1,335 deaths and 32,441, bringing the ratio down to 4.1%.
Year to date, there have been 4,078 deaths and 173,501 new cases, which brings the implied case fatality ratio to 2.3%, compared to 1.3% last year. i.e. a 77% jump.
Similarly, North Dakota, which now leads the US in vaccination has had 139 deaths this year out of 6,286 new cases, implying a similar mortality rate of 2.2%, compared with the previous rate of 1.4% for 2020 (1,292 deaths; 92,495 cases), which is a 50+% increase.
This makes no sense, as the overall case fatality rate should be falling with increased testing.
Until June 2020, for example, the overall case fatality rate for the US was 4.7% (130,831 deaths; 2,763,887 cases). This naturally fell to around 1.5%. It is now at 1.8% and rising.
Now would be a good time for the US or vaccine makers to make some changes to determining a COVID death. Maybe the flu will “reappear.”
It’s a mystery. Call in the gang! You’ll find it was Old Man Gates down at the China Lab!
WAKE UP PEOPLE! It’s NOT covid that is causing these spikes, it’s the covid VACCINE!!!
mRNA vaccines cause blood clots, leading to strokes, especially in the elderly, as their circulatory systems are already weakened with age. The vaccines also cause Bells Palsy, tremors, siezures, full body rashes, and myriad other adverse reactions. The vaccine also causes you to become even more susceptible to other viruses and illnesses that your body might have been able to fight off before, but cannot no longer do because of its now weakened condition from the vaccine. Worse, the vaccines are are designed so that you become a type of genetic modification, and your body starts attacking itself. But doctors and nurses won’t know or understand this, and so will advise even MORE vaccines to “fight off” covid, when you are literally killing yourself in the process. The also The real test will be in 3-6 months when more and more people have taken the vaccine, causing more and more reactions and deaths THAT WILL BE BLAMED ON COVID.
Remember, the end game to all of this is GLOBAL DEPOPULATION. Don’t believe me? There’s plenty of information out there that shows this all throughout history, right up to Bill Gates. Ask yourself these questions:
1. If covid/pandemic is so bad, where are all the dead bodies? Hospitals are empty, nurses are being furloughed/laid off.
2. If the vaccine is so safe, why is ANY information questioning them being wiped from existence on ALL social media platforms?
3. And most telling of all…whatever happened to COLDS and FLU? (along with Covid, all 3 are coronaviruses, and they have never come up with a cure/vaccine for coronaviruses in 100 years)