Covid vaccines have killed more Australians than the Vietnam war. Now they’re coming for the kids

Commonwealth vaccine graves

Last week reports of vaccine related deaths exceeded all the Australians killed in the Vietnam war.

It took the Viet Cong and NVA six years to kill 535 Australians and wound 3,000 more.

The Australian government passed this in just 8 months: 59,199 injured, including 552 dead. That’s 16x total Vietnam war casualties.

Congratulations you murdering bastards.

And yeah, they’ll claim that no deaths have been proven to be because of the Pfizer vaccine, but how is it that other vaccines used for years have just 5-10 deaths, and Pfizer has 170 in just six months?

These are doctors reporting them. They don’t seem to have a lot of doubt.

Columns are: Age; Gender; Medication, Adverse event.

Source: Therapeutic Goods Administration DAEN
Source: Therapeutic Goods Administration DAEN
Source: Therapeutic Goods Administration DAEN

These are just a few of the 500+ adverse events that killed people. But wait. There’s more. This lady’s 31.

Source: Therapeutic Goods Administration DAEN

This lady is 21. What’s the point of living in a beautiful country if she’ll never see it?

Source: Therapeutic Goods Administration DAEN

Just the reported deaths is running at 46 per million. That will translate to well over 1,000 deaths for Australia.

It’s generally accepted that less than 10% of adverse events are actually reported.

Hundreds of Australians have died from the vaccines. Possibly thousands. Hundreds or thousands more will die. And for what?

For anyone under 40, the virus is benign. According to the CDC website, their best estimate is that those under 40 have a 99.99% survival rate. That is, only about 10 in a million die from the virus. Meanwhile, 60 die from the vaccine.

For kids under 19 it’s even lower. In the UK, mortality for kids was just 2 in a million.

The government wants to roll out this vaccine for all 12-15 years olds in Australia. That’s 1.5 million. Maybe it will save 3 lives. Maybe.

But it will probably kill 90 kids, and debilitate hundreds of others.

These are kids. They don’t have a choice. They have their whole life ahead of them. And the politicians want to risk ruining hundreds of entire lifetimes.

So they can feel safe? So they can get paid off by big pharma? So they don’t have to admit they were wrong. So they can hit a round number of people vaccinated?

It’s time to wake up Australia. The servants we elected to serve us have turned on us, their masters. They’ve killed over 500 of us already. Now they are coming for the kids.

Where do you draw the line?